Yet another batch of dog products must be taken off the streets; understand

It was determined by MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) the collection of another product intended for animals after cases of poisoning dogs on account of the suspicion that they had eaten some contaminated snacks. At least 54 deaths of animals with suspected poisoning are being investigated throughout Brazil.

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The federal folder determined that all specific foods should be withdrawn from the market, such as steak, snacks and snacks, in addition to chewable products of all the lines that are intended for dogs, from the Petitos Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos brand that were manufactured in the period between January and September of this year 2022.

With this new action, there are already five companies that have received the determination of the Ministry of Agriculture to collect the products after a detection of the use of two batches of propylene glycol that were contaminated with monoethylene glycol (AD5035C22 and AD4055C21), which are supplied by the company Technoclean.

In addition to PETITOS, BASSAR Indústria e Comércio LTDA was identified as the first company to have to collect its products after determination by the ministry. Last week, FVO Alimentos LTDA, Peppy Pet Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos para Animais and Upper Dog Comercial LTDA also ended up on the extensive list.

“The investigations, which are still ongoing, indicate that these animal feed products were intended for the domestic market only. For all batches of suspect food, collection was determined and all companies involved have already been inspected. Businesses were shut down, said the statement sent by the ministry.

It was also previously determined by the folder that companies registered with the ministry carry out the immediate suspension of the use of products in its production lines of these two batches of propylene glycol raw material, which are related to contamination by monoethylene glycol.

Also known as ethylene glycol, this is a toxic product and is normally used to power refrigerate some items, being also found in batteries, car engines and freezers or refrigerators. The other raw material, propylene glycol, would be an input used by the industry sector when manufacturing food for humans and animals. The use of this product is released as long as it is purchased from legally registered companies.

“So far, there is no directive from the Ministry to suspend the use of products that contain propylene glycol in their formulation, in addition to those already mentioned”, was the information given by the ministry.

With its headquarters registered in Pirassununga, in the interior of São Paulo, Petitos Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos affirmatively stated that, in the same way as the other manufacturers, they received the precautionary notification from the ministry determining that all foods and products that were chewable should be recalled from the consumer market intended for dogs.

The company also said that it had Tecnoclean as one of its suppliers.

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