Tech company CEO arrested for spying on women's restroom

The Chief Executive Officer of a company tech California, located in the Bay Area, was arrested last Monday, the 2nd, after being accused of spy a woman in the bathroom of a Panera Bread unit. The unit of the American network of restaurants and cafes involved is in Mountain View.

Police confirmed that they had made the arrest of SeaDrone Inc. CEO Eduardo Moreno, 35 years old. SeaDrone is a company that operates in the construction of submersible drones that can inspect ship hulls without having to remove them from the sea for such an investigation to be carried out.

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The case narrated to the police was that a woman noticed that a man put his head under the bathroom cubicle she used, trying to look at her. The victim claims to have shouted at the suspect, who ran out of the bathroom and out of the restaurant, but was followed by the woman in question. She confronted him a few meters away.

The victim even tried to register a photo of Eduardo Moreno, but he took the cell phone from her hands, pushing her. Soon after, he ran away from the scene, but was soon seen taking off his shirt and jumping over a railing. Moments later, he returned to the restaurant, where he was stopped by a group of people.

The woman in the bathroom identified the SeaDrone CEO as the man who had slipped through the crack in the cabin to observe her. He was arrested for theft and for “spying”. Moreno was booked and taken to the Santa Clara County Jail, according to information released by Mountain View Police.

The businessman's company informs on its website that it has few employees, but all with great engineering skills. She believes in challenging the way people interact with the world through the data provided by their devices. SeaDrone Inc. has not yet commented on the case.

Californian city police suspect SeaDrone CEO may have done even more victims.

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