Chamber approves PEC of the salary floor for nursing

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This last Wednesday (13), the Chamber of Deputies, with 473 votes in favor, 9 against and one abstention, approved, in the second round, the Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) regarding the wage floor of the nursing. The proposal, which follows for enactment, seeks to establish a national wage floor for nurses, nursing technicians, nursing assistants and midwives. Thus, according to the parliamentarians, the measure aims to provide legal certainty to the bill that establishes remuneration of R$ 4,750 for the respective group of workers.

Read more: What is the aid PEC and how does it work?

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Authored by Senator Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES), this initial minimum floor is waiting to be sent for sanction, depending on Congress to find funding sources that make its application feasible. However, the process can take a long time, since the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), focuses on the PEC of kindnesses, which increases the value of the Brazil Aid and establishes some other benefits in the year electoral.

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Even so, deputy Carmen Zanotto (Cidadania-PR), rapporteur for the matter, pointed out the importance of these professionals, especially during the covid-19 pandemic, and clarified the purpose of the PEC in avoiding that there be questions in court in relation to the new floors.

“COVID-19 has definitively revealed the importance of the SUS and of all health professionals, who have spared no efforts on the front lines of fighting the pandemic, causing, unfortunately, due to precarious and unhealthy conditions, the death of 872 valuable professionals in the nursing area, with irreparable losses for hundreds of families” he wrote.

The minimum floor PEC

In the text, it is informed that the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities must adapt the remuneration of the positions to reach the values ​​established for each of the categories. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to Fabiano Contarato's bill, which has already been approved by both Houses. Are they:

  • Nurses: BRL 4,4750
  • Nursing technicians: BRL 3,325
  • Nursing assistants: BRL 2.375
  • Midwives: BRL 2,375

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