Nestlé's vegan product should arrive in 2022

In recent years, it has been possible to perceive a growth in the offer of products without ingredients of animal origin all over the world. Much of this encouragement comes from debates about animal cruelty and also the possible health risks of milk and dairy products. In this context, the novelty of a Nestlé vegan product draws attention.

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What are vegan products?

Who is vegan is in a stage above who is only vegetarian. This is because the first group not only does not consume meat, but rejects any and all products with ingredients or material of animal origin.

For example, ingredients such as eggs, milk and lard cannot be part of the vegan diet, unlike vegetarian ones. In addition, vegans seek to reduce the consumption of animal products in every way. Therefore, they do not wear clothes that have leather or similar materials.

Recently, there has also been a notable increase in people identifying themselves as vegans or vegetarians. This certainly also moves a huge market worldwide and makes companies need to adapt to these new demands. Therefore, Nestlé also entered the debate and has already announced a vegan product.

Nestlé's vegan product should arrive in 2022

In a recent official announcement by the company, Nestlé confirmed that it is already working on the development of a dairy product without any ingredients of animal origin. Furthermore, this new product requires a huge investment from this large company in the food market.

Also according to the announcement, this new product is under development in Switzerland and involves a dairy protein that uses precision fermentation. As a result, we have a whey protein with a texture and flavor identical to cow's milk, but without resorting to animal exploitation.

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