Do you have money saved? See the best options for investments in 2023

With the end of the year getting closer, questions about how to invest in 2023 arise, as everyone wants more money. Some questions arise: fixed or variable income? Long or short term applications? What to do about interest? What is the scenario that we can expect in relation to investments? Check it out.

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Know what investments to make in 2023

Doubts seem to have no end, but don't be alarmed, we are going to list some suggestions that may facilitate your investor journey that will start or continue next year. See what your options are.

Transition PEC and the impact on investments

With the result of the elections, we saw that a new government will soon take over the country, however some effects of the change can already be seen in 2022. Even in terms of applications.

This happens because the market turns out to be based on actions seen from Brasília. This means that the position of the Central Bank sets the tone for the direction of the economy in the country as much as the Federal Government.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of political issues and their practical impacts.

Investing long or short term?

Due to the probable increase in the Selic rate expected for 2023, fixed income can be an excellent investment option. For those looking for long-term returns, the best option is bonds related to the inflation rate. For shorter maturities, those with a yield indexed to the CDI are recommended.

Assess the risks

One of the most important and definitive factors for those who invest is to know the risk and return rate of these investments. The prognosis is a bit hazy as to the companies that will be able to bring a return that makes the risk in regarding the high rates, which will be paid through fixed income next year, really worth the pity.

Conservatism in investments can bring profits

In view of the change of governments, what is most recommended today is that it be observed with caution throughout the first year governed by the new president and his team, as this is how makes it possible to better evaluate the options available, such as the Ibovespa and the CDI, which are dependent on the volatility involved in the procedures.

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