Important steps to build a business plan

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When you open a company, it is necessary that each act that you will perform is planned. Thus, it is necessary to detail what will be the objectives and methods used to achieve the success of your enterprise. Therefore, you need to set up a business plan.

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The plan has the function of putting the ideas and objectives in order to direct the actions in the right path. “It is the set of information that the entrepreneur must collect and that will show all the particularities related to the business, is relevant information for the smooth running of the company”, explains the JBDuarte Institute coach, João Batista Duarte.

Know your industry

To structure this plan, it is necessary to understand well the branch in which you will work. “It is not the case, at first, to be an expert, but it is the case of researching and knowing the market, its trends, success stories and failure, likely customers, suppliers, competitors, profile of each one of them and changes that have occurred in the market in recent years. With this basic information, you will be ready to prepare the plan”, clarifies Jorge Bahia, from Grupo Bahia & Associados.

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Assembling the business plan

The plan is treated with a guide, sort of like a summary or index. “Data such as references of entrepreneurs with their academic and professional experiences, enterprise data (industry, commerce, services, focus on a specific market), company mission, type of legal format, tax framework, social capital, sources of resources, main customers and suppliers, location and profile of employees are fundamental in the composition of the plan”, recalls Bahia.

According to Luiz Eduardo Rego, who is the president of the Nyoa Group, the business plan should follow a few steps:

1. Company Description

In the first stage, it is necessary to limit the business and its origin.

2. Strategic planning

In this part are put what will be the actions for the company to reach its objectives.

3. Products and services

Time to list the items that will be sold or the services provided.

4. Market analysis

It is the delimitation of the present scenario and the projection of the future scenario, if there are and who are your competitors, the choice of suppliers, who will be the target audience, etc.

5. Marketing plan

After adopting the 4Ps, which are product, price, place and promotion, a method will be created to spread the company's name.

6. Operational plan

In this part, all functions of the company must be listed and which sectors will be responsible for each task.

7. Financial plan

It should show how the company will be able to profit.

8. investment plan

It is a list of financial decisions that will give rise to the company's solidity. It is a tool used throughout the life of the enterprise so that the business grows and gives confidence to its customers.

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