Find out which foods are richest in iron to keep your health up to date

After the Covid-19 pandemic, people's concern about strengthening the immune system tripled. In this sense, many began to invest in medicines, recipes and care to keep you up to date. Including, iron rich foods have become indispensable in the daily lives of these individuals, as this nutrient is essential to keep our body well regulated. Fortunately, it can be found quite easily in several foods. Check it out below!

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What is the danger of lack of iron?

Basically, the lack of iron in our body can cause anemia. This condition can be lethal, as it puts more strain on the heart and can exacerbate other health problems, especially in more vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children. If one of these people has some kind of hemorrhage or bleeding, their life could be in much greater danger. Below are some foods that can help you avoid iron deficiency in the body.

  • Beet

You know how your mom always told you to eat greens? So, this happens because they are very rich in nutrients, and in the case of some of them, they are excellent sources of iron. Beetroot, for example, can offer up to 2.5mg of the nutrient per 100g. Plus, it can help you strengthen other parts of your body, like your brain and bones. That way, you can consume it the way you prefer, whether in juices, diets or desserts.

  • Meat

Red meats, more specifically, are very rich sources of iron, especially when you consume parts such as liver, kidneys or heart. In addition, some fish have this nutrient in abundance. In this case, you can get up to 1mg of iron by consuming 100g of some species, such as sardines. If you prefer, you can mix them with beans and soak up as much as you can.

  • chestnuts

Investing in nuts or walnuts may be just what you need to hit some of your macro and micronutrients. In this case, for those who seek iron and want to avoid animal products, they are an excellent source of this nutrient.

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