Discover the 4 most noble cuts of meat

It is true that Brazilians love barbecue, but for many, the special meats in the kitchen are still new. From selection to preparation, prime cuts offer the same surprising experience in terms of taste, smell and sight. It's called special meat because everything is state-of-the-art, from animal breeds, breeding, slaughtering and feeding techniques. So, now check out four options of prime cuts of meat that everyone loves!

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Top 4 cuts of noble meats

1. T-Bone

The quintessential meat in American cuisine is the T-Bone, which combines the best of two famous cuts: filet mignon and sirloin steak. Its name clearly refers to the strong T-shaped bone that separates these two pieces.

This is a combination of two delicious parts, of excellent quality, becoming very juicy and perfect for grilling. Simple spices elevate this dish tremendously, and it tastes even better when paired with a good quality wheat beer at just the right temperature.

2. short rib

The noble portion of the front rib that accompanies the chuck core is called Short Rib (in free translation, short rib), but is also commonly known as premium rib. Combining high tenderness and juiciness, this meat is a typical cut close to the bone, also of the chuck steak.

3. ancho steak

Bife Ancho, also known as entrecôte or rib fillet (the part from which it is taken), is a very tender and juicy noble meat. Its small fibers and lateral fat maintain these qualities in the meat, which is large in size.

The cut traditionally originates in Argentina, where it is revered as part of the most expressive cuisine. To get the peak flavor, texture and juiciness of the cut, it should always be done in moderation, on the grill or in the pan.

4. Rump steak

This is the champion meat to win over palates at the barbecue, always making any guest wait for his creations to “bleed”. The picanha has its famous cut removed from the back of the cow, close to the rump, being very tender and tasty. The thin layer of fat that covers one side of the piece adds even more flavor to the dish.

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