Find out which are the smartest cat breeds in the world

We all know that cats, in addition to being great companions, are very smart. Therefore, through a scientific research, a list was elaborated with the smartest cat breeds in the world. Next, check out which races these are.

Research shows which cat breeds are the smartest

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Researcher at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), Samantha Watson, explained that it is complicated to measure the degree of intelligence of felines. However, some races seem to have a higher level of intelligence than others.

Researcher Samantha Watson had this to say: “Some evidence indicates that certain breeds of cats may have tendencies to be more active or friendly with people. However, each cat is a unique individual and there is significant variation within these breeds. Each cat has a unique personality, which is shaped by both genetics and life history.”

The smartest cat breed

The breed that stands out at the top of the list of smartest cats is the Abyssinian. Originally from Southeast Asia, she is known for her high level of independence and curiosity. Also, they appear to be far less fearful than other cat breeds. They also interact peacefully with children, dogs and other pets.

List of the smartest cat breeds

  1. Abyssinian;
  2. Bengal cats;
  3. Gurmese;
  4. Cornish rex;
  5. Scottish folds;
  6. Singapore;
  7. Siamese;
  8. Turkish Angoras;
  9. Japanese Bobtails.

The Bengal cat is similar to the Abyssinian cat, as both easily learn tricks and are able to figure out how to open cupboard doors, for example. They are very intelligent as long as they are mentally stimulated, otherwise they can become destructive in the home.

The specialist further explained: "They are very intelligent, need a lot of stimulation and unfortunately, many homes are simply not suitable for them."

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