Get to know Banco do Brasil's new credit card model

Ourocard Digital Elo was revealed by Banco do Brasil (BB) this Wednesday, 28. The new card option provided by the institution works in a digital, that is, there is no physical card. It uses Google Pay and Apple Pay digital wallets, has no annual fee and is easily accessible to all those who do not have a checking account at the institution.

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New BB credit card

As there is no physical version, payments must be made through the aforementioned Google Pay or Apple Pay, since none of Banco do Brasil's Elo cards work with Samsung Pay, unlike the Visa. If the cell phone does not have the NFC option, there is also the possibility of making payments using a QR Code.

It is also possible to make digital purchases with the card's digital number, as long as the establishment in question, accept the brand in the payment through Ourocard-e, which provides greater security to shopping.

About being made available to non-account holders, Banco do Brasil expressed itself, saying that initially this option will only be made available to these people. He will expand this towards other clients gradually.

This new type of card provided by BB seeks to serve people who use this payment method a lot via cell phone. An audience that is increasingly growing after the pandemic began in 2020.

According to a survey released in September this year, carried out by Mobile Time/Opinion Box, around 51% of the Brazilian population used the QR Code option to make payments. And not only that! Three out of every ten people used the NFC on their cell phones to carry out transactions through proximity.

What is NFC?

The acronym NFC stands for Near Field Communication, which stands for “near field communication”.

The technology concerns wireless communication between devices, which is present in several cell phones today, however the functionality is not equal to bluetooth or WiFi, since it needs the approximation of the devices. In this way, it is possible to pay by approaching the phone through Google Pay or another.

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