Did you know that scammers have preferred days for scams?

With the popularization of the internet, several changes were noticed. One of them is related to the way of selling products and services, since now there is a possibility of to offer all this online. Of course, not everything is as perfect as we would like, as we are now subject to certain situations, such as being the victim of a scam.

Read more: Procon brings tips to prevent scams and fraud applied through fake boletos

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Check out the full article to learn how online scams happen and how to protect yourself.

How robberies and scams are applied to victims

Today you can be lying in your bed or sitting on your sofa, but you can still buy some utensil or device that you have been wanting for some time, but before it was not like that. The internet has made life possible and easier for many people, but we all still have to take a lot be careful with the choices we make online, because unfortunately there are still people with malicious intent there.

You may have already heard a story about an acquaintance who ended up being the victim of a scam. And if you haven't come across something like this yet, know that this is more common than it looks! Scammers think thoroughly about how the theft of data or values ​​will be done. We are talking about planning that can take months. Finally, they find strategic days and even times to be successful in the crimes.

How can I protect myself?

An anti-fraud system, Konduto, carried out a survey that reached some conclusions about the reasons for the criminals' choices. One of the data collected points out that criminals prefer to apply scams on the first working day of the week, that is, on Monday. The justification is that companies are back up and running on the first business day, so the probability that salespeople are approaching people to make a sale is greater.

Still on this point, it is important to point out that the preferred times for robbery attempts happen are between 12:00 and 14:00, as it is the period when many people are having lunch or distracted during the rest. You can stay tuned for days and times to protect yourself. Also, be aware of the details of the bills you pay.

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