Should we be afraid? Virus frozen 48,500 years ago returns to life in Siberia

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it really happens. There is a region in Siberia called permafrost: a 1.5 km space of frozen ground just below the surface. There, there are thousands of viruses and micro-organisms frozen between the rocks. The danger is that, due to the very low temperatures, they didn't die; they are just “asleep”. From time to time, scientists find some viruses in permafrost. Recently, researchers stumbled upon one that dates back to 48,500 years ago. A record so far. Check out the article and learn more about the frozen virus for so long.

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How is the frozen virus that was found in Siberia?

According to researcher Jean-Michel Claverie, from Aix-Marseille University, France, the virus found is giant. It was found on frozen ground just below a lake in the Russian region of Yakutia. With him were six other guys. The oldest was frozen 27 thousand years ago. A young man, isn't he?

According to the scientist, there is no reason to panic, as the virus only infects amoebas. Ufa!

Why are these microorganisms coming back to life?

As we said above, it sounds like something from a science-fiction movie, but it really happens. Viruses and other micro-organisms are frozen at such a low temperature that it prevents them from decomposing.

So, they are like Sleeping Beauty, waiting for Prince Charming's kiss. In this case, the prince is the global warming.

Due to the Earth's increasing temperature, ice in regions such as permafrost has begun to melt. This causes these living beings to wake up from sleep, which should be eternal.

At this point, as Jean-Michel Claverie explains, we will have to pay more attention and, perhaps, worry a little. It turns out that if the melting of these glaciers managed to bring these giant viruses back to life, other smaller types also manage to come back.

These would be able to infect plants and animals. And, these living beings, perhaps, infect us too.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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