Fernando VI of Spain

King of Spain (1746-1759) born in Madrid, whose reign dedicated the tireless struggle for peace and economic and political reforms. Second son of Filipe V, the founder of the Bourbon dynasty, and his first wife Maria Luísa de Sabóia, he married (1729) a daughter of João II of Portugal, Maria Bárbara de Bragança, with a strong personality politics. He assumed the throne (1746) at a time when Spain was involved in Austria's War of Succession, which ended in a short time by the Peace of Aquisgran (from 1748), which, to the detriment of his country, granted the English authorization to participate in the black slave trade with the Spanish colonies. of the Caribbean. After this agreement, he resolutely decided to maintain Spanish neutrality, with no ambitions for political expansion, and until his death, the country remained at peace.
He kept in charge of the government divided between the prime minister of his father's government, the competent Marquis de La Ensenada, as Secretary of Finance, Navy and India, and Secretary of State José de Carvajal y Lancaster. After the death of Carvajal (1754) and the fall of Ensenada, Ricardo Wall became the new strongman of the monarchy. During his government, administrative and economic reforms were carried out that stimulated commerce, agriculture and industry, in addition to strengthening the army. Influenced by his wife, he was a protector of art and education and founded the Academia de San Fernando, the Botanical Gardens and an astronomical observatory. With a very close marriage affectionately, although they had no children, after the death of his wife (1758), he fell into depression and self-exiled in the palace of Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, where he died in the year. Following.

Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/

Order F - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/fernando-vi-espanha.htm

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