After the birth of the child, the parents acquire an excess of responsibilities. It is not surprising that they can exhibit physical and mental exhaustion. These factors gain greater proportions when the child has some characteristic that demands greater attention, such as, for example, some chronic and mental illness. In this sense, we highlight the reasons why there is a need to also value the mental care of parents.
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Reasons that can trigger silent depression in parents
In addition to all the factors related to fatherhood, parents with special children have fears and concerns related to the various aspects of their child's life. Look at just some of the things they have to deal with.
1. fear of exclusion
Everyone harbors a fear of the child's non-acceptance in society due to her disability. Without fundament? No, because unfortunately this happens with a certain frequency.
2. frequent fight
They are responsible full-time for daily activities, regardless of the child's age, but are also at the forefront of bureaucratic issues. Especially those related to insurance and health insurance. This causes prolonged tiredness.
3. camouflage feelings
The self-demand to be positive for children leads to the silencing of issues related to depression.
4. lack of self care
At certain times, the needs of children overlap those of parents. Especially when it comes to designating time for them and regulating sleeping and eating routines.
5. Denial and difficulty identifying depressive symptoms
They tend to blame worries about their children's future when asked about their depression symptoms. This disease is not easy to identify, as the signs may appear subtly, but they will soon gain greater proportions.
The constant preoccupation with aspects that are out of control can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression in parents. Medical and social support is essential so that they can create a balance between their lives and the mission of caring for others.