Meet 5 fruits to control and lower glucose

Fruits are nutrient-rich foods and diverse compounds with beneficial action on our body. Among so many functions, they can also help control blood sugar levels.

That's why it's important that you know 5 fruits to control and lower glucose. Keep reading this article!

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Fruits to control glucose

High sugar consumption is one of the biggest problems of recent years and one of the main causes of diabetes. Although all fruits are allowed for diabetic patients, it is essential to know how to choose the best options. This happens because the fibers present in fruits are capable of reducing the speed of absorption of sugars.

Thus, this strategy is very useful to avoid spikes in blood glucose, which are harmful to the body. In this case, you should bet on fruits with more fiber or that have a certain amount of good fat. Check out some options below.


Strawberry has a large amount of vitamin C and is a great source of fiber and minerals. In addition, it is ideal for controlling and lowering glucose, as the absorption of fruit is slow.

In addition, strawberries are low in calories, help with weight loss, lower cholesterol and improve the immune system.


Avocado is popular for its composition of monounsaturated fats, known as good fat. Thus, it has a great effect on the health of the heart, arteries and the reduction of glucose levels.

In addition, avocado has B vitamins, minerals, fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds, which perform other beneficial actions in the body.


Guava is a fruit of slow absorption, similar to strawberry, being one of the best options to control glucose. It is a source of fiber, vitamin C and several other vitamins and minerals that help nourish our body.


Blackberry is also part of the list, as its composition is excellent! This fruit is high in fiber and low in sugar, making it a great choice for people with diabetes.


In peach it is possible to find fibers, vitamins and minerals, in addition to having slow absorption, controlling glucose. The fruit still brings other benefits due to its components, preventing the emergence of diseases linked to diabetes.

So, now that you know which fruits are to control and lower glucose, take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also like to know.

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