Pesticides: See which fruits are most affected by these pesticides

There are some rules that limit and prohibit the exacerbated use of pesticides in the food that reaches us. This is because the consumption of this poison, in large quantities, is harmful to health. The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) issued a report on the analysis of pesticides in Brazilian fruits. In it, the data point to some alarming information and show us which fruits are most affected by pesticides in Brazil. See more!

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Pesticides are chemical, physical or biological products used in the agricultural production sector, with the aim of change the chemical composition of both flora and fauna in order to preserve them and guarantee the productivity of the crops. They are also known as agricultural pesticides, agrochemicals and pesticides. However, according to research carried out by agencies such as Anvisa, its use is associated with several environmental and health problems.

The fruits with the most pesticides

A survey carried out by Anvisa analyzed around 4,600 samples in order to find pesticide residues in the fruits. Thus, pesticides were found in 51% of all analyzes performed. In addition, 112 different types of pesticides were found, of which 23% were prohibited substances or were in quantities greater than the permitted limit. According to this research, the fruits with the most pesticides are:

  • Guava

Of the 283 guava samples analyzed, the researchers found around 43 types of pesticides present in the fruit. In addition, 115 samples were detected with pesticides prohibited by law and 18 with amounts above the permitted amount. Soon, this means that these foods can become harmful to your health.

  • Pineapple

Among the fruits with the most pesticides analyzed by Anvisa, there is also pineapple. In this case, 28 types of pesticides above the permitted level were detected, 18 of which were prohibited by current legislation. The agency analyzed about 347 samples.

  • Mango

Among the 33 samples with pesticides found, 32 had more than the allowed amount and 31 had prohibited and harmful agents to health. In the case of mangoes, Anvisa tested 350 units of the fruit.

  • Grape

Grapes are also on that list, in which 66 types of pesticides were detected, 49 of which were above the limit and 48 were prohibited by law. Anvisa analyzed a total of 319 samples to issue this result.

  • Orange

Finally, around 382 oranges were analyzed, revealing data regarding the presence of pesticides in them. Thus, 48 ​​substances not allowed by law were found in these fruits.

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