Francisco Franco da Rocha

Brazilian psychoanalyst born in the city of Amparo, São Paulo, pioneer in the use of laboratory therapy and who played a decisive role in the introduction of Psychoanalysis in Brazil. Son of Dr. José Joaquim Franco da Rocha and Mrs. Maria Isabel Galvão Bueno Franco da Rocha, completed his undergraduate degree at the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro and a doctorate from the University of São Paul. He began his career as a doctor concerned with the treatment of the mentally ill. He was a pioneer in the use of labotherapy, a type of treatment that did not harm the dignity of patients, with the help of works such as maintenance of vegetable gardens and orchards and other manual activities, and to develop this type of treatment, he helped found an Asylum Cologne.
The unit began to be built (1895), with a project by architect Ramos de Azevedo, an area of ​​150 hectares, with an initial capacity of 800 beds, on a plot of land beside the railway, close to the station Juqueri. This space was inaugurated under the name Hospital Asilo Colônia (1898), but was only completed six years later. Today it is called the Juqueri Psychiatric Hospital, in Vila Juqueri, current municipality of Franco da Rocha, the name given to the municipality in his honor (decree law 6,693 of 21/09/1934). The direction was given to the great psychoanalyst, who now lived there with his family and raised his six children there, along with his wife Dona Leopoldina Lorena Ferreira Franco da Rocha. At the turn of the century, he became acquainted with Freud's ideas and began his own psychoanalytic studies, and also gained prominence in his academic career.

He was the first professor of Neuropsychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo (1918-1923). In the inaugural class, he talked about Freud's ideas, but in this field he was just a scholar, without practicing them professionally. With his friend Durval Marcondes, he helped found the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis (1927), the first psychoanalytic institution in Latin America, and a decisive step for the development of the area, in the Brazil. He retired from the post of Director of Hospicio de Juqueri (1923), at the age of 58, and years later, on the initiative of disciples and friends, he was a herm of the master is erected, bust in which the chest, back and shoulders are cut by vertical planes, in bronze, in the hospital lobby (1928). Author of a vast bibliography found in the Brazilian Bibliographic Index of Psychiatry, he died in São Paulo, as a result of pulmonary emphysema, at the age of 69, on November 8 (1933).

Order F - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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