What to do with melon seeds? Learn how to avoid waste

We all know the super sweet fleshy fruit of summer, right? Yes, we are talking about the melon. The seeds of the fruit are usually discarded when are we going to eat this delicious fruit, but they shouldn't just because the richest properties of this seed are not yet well known by the population.

Read more: The benefits of introducing pumpkin seeds into your diet

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But what if we told you that they offer great health benefits? Would you eat? So keep reading to find out what to do with those melon seeds next time.

Benefits of consuming melon seeds

This delicious fruit and its seeds have several benefits, so the advantages of consuming them are several, so evaluate some of them that are listed below and choose to include them in your daily diet.

  • Contributes to hypertrophy

Melon seed is a source of vegetable protein, as almost 35% of it is made up of proteins. As a result, it assists in the development of lean mass and the maintenance of muscle health. Because they are also a source of calcium, they take care of our bones.

  • Take care of heart health

They are also a good source of fatty acids, the famous good fat. In addition to fatty acids, omega 3 and linoleic acid are also present. These fatty acids prevent the accumulation of body fat, so their presence helps a lot in weight loss.

  • Helps with bowel function

Since it is an excellent source of fiber, they help with digestion and favor better intestinal functioning, which accelerates intestinal transit. As a result of all this, including this seed in your diet can help you lose weight. In addition, it greatly reduces the feeling of bloated belly.

Examples of where to include the seed in food

  • Soups and broths;
  • vegetable milk;
  • Next to cereal, yogurt or fruit salad;
  • Juices, vitamins and smoothies.

Curiosity of the melon seed

According to the Livestrong website, the seeds are stored, roasted and eaten as snacks or salads in the Middle East and China. If that sounds familiar, it's because it's common to use pumpkin seeds to make this in the US and other countries.

Snack with melon seeds for your afternoons

Here is a delicious recipe for you to enjoy the benefits of melon seeds in a different way, one that you are sure to enjoy. Also, this is an excellent option to serve to your friends or family.


  • Melon seeds (to taste);
  • Salt and assorted seasonings of your choice.

Method of preparation

  1. First, wash the seeds very well;
  2. Then salt and season them as you wish;
  3. Let it dry for approximately 24 hours;
  4. Finally, put it in the oven to toast for a few minutes. Soon it's ready to consume!

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