Paper towel functions go far beyond what you imagine

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If you have a kitchen item that can't be missing from your home, it's the paper towel. With it you clean the sink countertops, tables, any dirt that appears, your first option is the paper towel, right? However, did you know that this item goes far beyond cleaning up your messes when cooking? So find out now!

The 3 functions of paper towel you didn't know

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Certainly some of the features described below can be very useful to you at some point in your life. So check out what they are now and always be ready for whatever comes up.

1. coffee strainer

This is the first function and, if you are a coffee fanatic, it will be very useful for you in those busy days. It often happens that you forget to buy something on the market that was missing at home, it is often the colander.

But don't worry if you have paper towel at home, it can replace it. To do this, just take a sieve and line it with three sheets of paper towels (note how thick it is) and strain your coffee. This is a gamble that really works.

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2. Make the windows cleaner

We know that wiping the glass with a cloth or flannel is not always the best option, as dirt from the cloth itself remains on the glass. For this, the paper towel is very useful, so finish your cleaning with it and see the difference, but be sure to use the cloth first.

3. Remove fat from your food

Because it is quite absorbent, it guarantees a drier and more flavorful frying. But did you know that it is possible to eliminate fat from other types of food, such as soups and stews? To do this, take a sieve and line it with two pieces of paper towel and pour the liquid inside. All the fat will remain on the paper and your broth will be much lighter.

Fun Fact: Paper towels are best for drying your hands

This is a very obvious curiosity, but one that few people pay attention to or realize. When we use a towel, it tends to accumulate bacteria, especially when they are shared with someone else. Therefore, towel paper is the best option for this moment of personal hygiene.

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