Mental health: see 5 signs that you MUST start therapy

If you've ever wondered when it's time to seek help or what the signs are, we'll help you. Consulting with a specialist is one of the best ways to gain self-knowledge and treat mental problems, such as anxiety and depression, but the truth is that there is no specific time for therapy, after all, if you feel that there is a need for it, this is already a great sign.

On this list, we've separated some indications that you may need to start therapy to lighten the load.

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When to start therapy?

You will probably identify with some of the points on this list. Maybe with several! Even if you don't identify with any, know that simply thinking about going to the therapist or psychologist can already be an indication that you should talk to a professional about your life and your feelings.

1. Suffering

The most obvious reason would have to be the first in this relationship. If you are in pain most of the time, distress, depression, anxiety, OCD, or anything related to your mental health, really seek some help.

2. problems in life

If your internal problems go beyond and affect other areas of your life, get help. When you realize that your mind gets in your way at school, at work or in your relationships, know that this is really a good time to seek therapy. When you feel overwhelmed with the daily demands of your life and you are constantly stressed, it can also be a wake-up call.

3. things are getting worse

If even when you put your efforts into something and you feel that things are getting worse, it could be a sign of overload. When nothing else seems to help your mind, even if you try everything, you should urgently seek therapeutic advice. It may be that you are developing anxiety, depression or something similar. Other signs are addictions, like wanting to drink uncontrollably. And even insomnia.

4. When someone close suggests you

Sometimes, those close to us realize better than ourselves that we need some help. For outsiders, it can be even easier to recognize when something is wrong in our daily lives. day, so a strong sign that you need therapy is getting referrals from people nearby.

What is worth mentioning is that therapy will only be effective when you see it as your choice, not as an obligation.

5. Your will to start is greater than that of not starting

In general, one part of you will say yes while the other part will say no. When you feel that your thoughts are moving mainly towards you starting a follow-up, perhaps this is the moment. One hour, you realize and say to yourself that you need to change and look for improvement. This is the right time to seek help.

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