Science: James Webb Space Telescope keeps finding galaxies

A scientist warned about the recent discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope. According to the specialist, the invention continues to discover places that should not exist, such as the first six galaxies found by the NASA telescope. Galaxies appear to be larger and more mature than they appear to be.

The recent findings are based on research that has previously been alerted when Scientists have reported that galaxies are more complex than they appear, and are as old as the Earth. Milky Way. A recently published scientific article confirmed this maturity to understand how these galaxies were created.

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Space telescope discovers new galaxies, and creation concept could be changed

In case science is correct, this means that we know very little about the universe, like said Mike Boylan-Kolchin of the University of Textas, author of the paper that studies galaxies unusual.

“We're going to require something very new about galaxy formation or a change in cosmology. One of the more extreme possibilities is that the universe was expanding faster just after the Big Bang than we predicted, which may require new forces and particles," said lead researcher Mike.

The article recently published in Nature Astronomy by Mike, by name “ACDM stress test with candidates for high redshift galaxies”, proposed a concern for all science. Information indicates that a dark energy paradigm, known as ACDM, may exist.

It is normal for galaxies to turn 10% of their gas into stars, which had been claimed over the years. It turns out that the discovered galaxies convert more totality into stars, and theories prove that this possibility exists. The scientists were taken by surprise, of course, as they could never have expected it.

An ever deeper study of galaxies will be able to show us how they were created, what are their ages and how they are formed. If the new discoveries are confirmed, astronomy will need to change the concept of how galaxies emerged.

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