More than 400 open positions in the technology sector; Check out opportunities

Faced with the constant growth of technology, this sector is in need of increasingly qualified people to meet the demand brought about by technological advances. Therefore, some companies are opening new job vacancies in this area. Want to understand more? Then keep reading.

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the technology sector

Technological advances increase every day, and with that, the technology sector needs more and more qualified employees. In this sense, the forecast is that the sector will grow 12% per year, that the number of job opportunities will continue to increase and that wages will also grow. In addition, investment in digital information technology is expected to reach R$345.5 billion.

Opportunities in the technology field

Some companies recently announced that they will open selective processes for positions in the technology sector, totaling more than 400 vacancies. Among them are Netflix, Vivo, OLX, FreightBras and the Ministry of Communications, bringing different opportunities to the market.

In the case of Netflix, the open positions refer to two positions for senior software engineers, one for senior software architect and one for engineering manager. However, for the latter it is necessary to have some years of experience in technology or engineering, application development, cloud engineering leadership, full stack engineering or development from frontend.

As for OLX, in the engineering sector, there were 100 open home office positions, that is, for all of Brazil, and 25 to work in the products sector. In addition to OLX, Telefónica Tech, better known as Vivo, has also made more than 60 vacancies available in order to develop the sector of cloud computing solutions.

In addition to these companies, the Ministry of Communications also opened vacancies for higher education with salaries that reach up to R$ 8,300. Finally, Navegantes also opened jobs and a larger number: there are 157 vacancies for technology, 29 for products and 48 for the data area.

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