Scientists find reservoir of water larger than the oceans

Although little studied, the Earth's inner layer has many things to reveal to us. In this sense, scientific advances tend to show us aspects that until then were only imaginable. The Earth's transition zone, for example, has a water reservoir and encourages us to think about what else is unknown. See the new discovery.

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Water reservoir three times the volume of all oceans

The latest international research has indicated that the existence of a water reservoir has been discovered below the Earth's surface, which is located in the transition zone between the upper and lower mantles. bottom. Until then, this fact was something hypothetically discussed, but now it is a very welcome reality.

This finding confirmed that there is a participation of the interior of the earth in the water cycle. Despite the fact that there was a suction of material to the transition zone is scientific knowledge, the amount of water in this region or the storage capacity in the minerals was not yet defined existing. The researchers claim that this layer can absorb approximately six times the amount of water in our oceans.

The Frankfurt geoscientist research team analyzed a diamond found by means of spectrometry, in Africa, at about 660 kilometers deep. Only 1% of diamonds have this characteristic of being found in deep regions. In chemical analyses, the scientists they discovered a high water content and that the diamond came from a piece of the mantle, as it had the same composition as the other rock fragments.

Previously, the scientific community saw the transition region as a dry area, even receiving minerals and carbonates. Now very different from what was imagined, the research revealed that this region, although not necessarily having an ocean, is full of super hydrated rocks.

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