Know the nicknames of the 'nerds' according to the culture of 4 different regions

Who has never heard of the expression “nerd”, right? This is the name given to those people who are very studious and smart. But what you might not know is that “nerds” are given other nicknames around the world. Therefore, we have listed the nicknames for nerds in different regions. Continue reading and find out what they are.

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Nicknames for smart people in 4 different regions of the world

Check out some very different nicknames for smart people in other countries:

1. Latin America

In several Latin American countries, the term “big head” or “big brain” is used to refer to people who are extremely intelligent. In the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, the reference to brilliant people is “cerebrito” or “brain”, while in Uruguay, the expression “bochos” is used.

But don't think that only “random” words are used to refer to smart people. In Chile, the reference for very studious people is “Mateo” for men and “Matea” for girls, referring to Prometheus, a titan of Greek mythology who used his knowledge to deceive Zeus.

2. Brazil

Here in Brazil, it is common for the reference to “nerds” to be “CDF” or “Caxias”. The term CDF, by the way, is much more used, and refers to those people who do not leave the chair and are always studying. The term “caxias” is used by the military to allude to “Duque de Caxias” who was Patron of the Brazilian Army and an exemplary soldier.

3. Europe, Middle East and Asia

In Europe, more precisely in Spain, the nickname used for very studious people is “Empóllon”. This term refers to the time that hens lay their eggs, and in the popular sense, it refers to that person who spends a lot of time buried in books.

The Turks usually say “Inek ögrenci”, which in free translation means “cow”, while in Syria the term used is “Tays”, which means “goats”. On the other side of the world, on the Asian continent, it is common to hear the expression “shudaizi”, which means “laboratory mouse”.

4. Mexico

The Mexicans created a relationship between the character “Noño”, from the series Chaves, with very studious people. Such a comparison is due to the fact that the character was very intelligent and dedicated.

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