Find 5 capitals of countries in South America in the wordsearch

A great way to improve our knowledge it's through word searches, after all, they can have fun and stimulate knowledge at the same time! For example, today we separate a Hunting words of the capitals of South America, where 5 of the main names of cities in our continent can be found.

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Tips for solving the Word Search

Hunting words.

Surely you've played word searches at some point in your life, if you still don't take advantage of your free time to have fun with this game. In case you need to find among the random letters some words. To make it easier, some tips are always separated, such as a specific category of nouns present in the table.

In today's challenge, the tip is “Capitals of South America”, so it is clear that the names of some of the cities that host countries in our continent will be on the board. But which cities, exactly? Well, to solve this problem, you'll need to look closely at the board and look for the words!

Which capitals are in the Word Search?

Altogether, there are 5 capitals of South American countries whose names are on the board. You will find them both vertically and horizontally on the board. But let's face it, we can't always solve challenges like this as quickly as we'd like.

So, let's give you a little help and show you what these capitals are and where they are positioned within the framework. However, only proceed if you're sure you're prepared for spoilers, okay? Check here which capitals and where they are:

  • Brasilia: The first capital you can find will be precisely that of our country: Brasilia. In this case, it is in the left corner of the frame, on the sixth line from top to bottom.
  • Lime: Soon after, you can find the capital of Peru, which is also on the left corner, but with the initial in the eighth line from top to bottom and fifth column from left to right.
  • Caracas: Now, notice that a little higher and centralized is the capital of Venezuela, Caracas. The word is on the third line from top to bottom.
  • Santiago: Santiago, the capital of Chile, is on the far right, with its initials in the twelfth line from top to bottom, and fourteenth column from left to right.
  • Buenos Aires: Finally, we have the capital of Argentina, which is already on the right, with its initial in the first line from top to bottom and third from the last column from left to right.
Hunting words.

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