8 Worst Things Customers Do at a Drive-Thru, According to Employees

Working in a network fast food it is not easy, especially for the Drive-Thru area, which requires total efficiency from employees. However, for the job to be done efficiently, there needs to be input from the customer as well. Bearing this in mind, we have listed the 8 worst things a customer does in a Drive Thru, according to officials. Check out this list so you try not to act like one of these customers.

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Discover the 8 worst things a customer does at a fast-food Drive-Thru

See below which are the 8 worst customer attitudes, according to employees who work at restaurant Drive-Thru:

1. Indecision

The customer's indecision can compromise the entire general service of the sector. Since the place is for quick service, it already has a menu at the entrance of the drive to speed up the choice, but indecision ends up increasing the queue and decreasing the patience of others customers.

2. Threats or violent attitudes

Impatience and also lack of education generate violent attitudes in people. There have even been several cases of customers pulling out firearms and pointing them at Drive-Thru employees.

3. Bad jokes

Working with people is already an exposure, so making jokes with those who are there in your work environment can make that worker's day become a bad day, in addition to being something extremely bewildering.

4. complete impatience

As we mentioned in the first item, the indecision of a client generates the impatience of the other. And for these impatient customers, even a simple “one moment sir” can be a trigger for an ignorant attitude against the worker.

5. Two orders for just one customer

Making two requests, when you are in just one car, generates a huge delay in service. That's because there are two “service protocols” to open.

6. Saying the order is wrong just to get free lunch

It is very common for customers to claim that their orders are “wrong” so they can get free lunch, or simply because they don't want to admit that they changed their mind.

7. drivers who are drunk

Attending to drunk people is a big problem, because people who are under the effects of alcohol lose their perceptions and end up acting without reason.

8. Slowness in making the payment

Efficiency is what moves a fast-food store, and the delay in processing an order directly impacts the work of employees who stay at the Drive-Thru, considering that they are timed while they are in service.

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