The English / British Monarchy

Research, translation, layout and adaptation of texts: Carlos Fernandes
The Monarchy is the oldest institution of government in the United Kingdom, having its roots in the 5th century and its affirmation in the reign of Athelstan (895 - 939).

At the beginning of the 17th century (1603) the English and Scottish Crowns were united in a single monarchy, under the efforts of King James I (1566-1625), the monarch who founded the United Kingdom and continuing the Stuart Dynasty of Scotland. The Union of Crowns was followed by the Union of Parliaments (1707), although today there is a Scottish Parliament. which dictates much of Scotland's legislation now, but the two Crowns remain united under a single Sovereign.

 To learn about their various sovereigns, their biographical summaries and about their dynasties, click on the following items, according to your interest in the research.

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British Isles Map

Special sources of information on WEB NET:
British Royal Monarchy Official Website:

Encyclopedia Universal Libre en Español:
Spartacus Educational:
Encyclopædia Britannica online:
Wikipedia - British Monarchs:
Samauma Online:
Klepsydra / Vikings:
New Advent:


Order R - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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