Learn how to make a homemade powdered milk, fast and practical

Powdered milk goes well with various sweets, with fruit salad and açaí. Also, it's a great drink companion and super practical to store and pack. But, did you know that you can make it at home with just one ingredient?

Maybe it's not so easy to believe, but you can make homemade powdered milk with just one ingredient. The process can be time consuming, however, it is well worth it. Know more!

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the powdered milk

According to Professor Ana Clarissa dos Santos Pires, from the Department of Food Technology at Federal University of Viçosa, in Minas Gerais, powdered milk loses few nutrients during the industrialization.

The manufacture of powdered milk is very simple: basically, it goes through a process in which all the water is removed, to the point of becoming a paste. After that, it goes through another process, the spray dryer, which serves to pour droplets and transform it into powder. Thus, the nutrients are not completely lost, because the milk is not subjected to such high temperatures.

How to make homemade powdered milk?

To make homemade powdered milk, you will only need liquid milk. So, take a liter of milk and pour it into a non-stick pan and, with a wooden spoon, stir until all the water has evaporated.

That time will basically be 40 to 50 minutes, so you can enlist the help of your friends and family to take turns stirring the pot. After that time, turn off the fire and wait to cool down.

Then take it to the preheated oven at 180°C. Wait another 40 minutes in the oven, but keep mixing the milk as the pebbles form. After drying, turn off the heat and let it cool.

It will be ready when you notice its texture. So, if it's still not at the right point, beat it in a food processor until it has the consistency of powder. Store in a well-sealed place.

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