What's the best option for you: Crossfit or bodybuilding?

Practicing physical exercises is essential to maintain health and improve the quality of life. In addition, many people seek aesthetic results through physical activities. However, it is necessary to choose the appropriate modality to achieve the desired objectives.

In this article, we will discuss the difference between the Crossfit and Bodybuilding and help choose which is the best option for each person.

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Crossfit or Bodybuilding: Which to Choose?

In the past, Bodybuilding was the only option for physical activity available, but nowadays, Crossfit has gained more and more fans. Many people have adopted Crossfit as their main practice, and still others prefer the good old Bodybuilding.

The physical education instructor, Henrique Morais, explains that to choose the ideal modality, it is necessary to know what the objective of the practice is. If you want to lose weight, gain strength, define muscle, improve mobility or live a healthier life, it's important to choose the right physical activity.

Advantages of Bodybuilding

Henrique explains that Bodybuilding is excellent for gaining muscle mass and preparing for physical conditioning, but it has its disadvantages, mainly in relation to motor coordination.

Advantages of Crossfit

Crossfit tends to scare many beginners, especially when it comes to injuries. People are afraid of getting hurt while practicing, but, according to Henrique, “the risk occurs in every sport”. Crossfit is great for those who are very energetic, as it is a non-stop activity and has a lot of caloric expenditure.

Can both be done at the same time?

Henrique warns that it is possible to do the two modalities together, but ideally it should be the same teacher for both or, at least, that there is a consensus between the two professionals.

“It's not cool to do it on the same day, being able to alternate between the two activities”, he says. It is important to be careful not to overload the system and cause injury.


So, to choose between Crossfit and Bodybuilding, it's important to define your goal with physical activity and try a little bit of both. Both modalities are practical, complete and effective, and the final choice will depend on your personal taste and the objective you want to achieve.

Finally, it is important to remember that the regular practice of physical exercises is essential to keep your health up to date and improve your quality of life.

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