The Japanese vending machines that are successful in the world; how to buy?

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In subway stations, malls, universities or even on the streets: the japanese vending machines they are everywhere. They are very practical and sometimes save those who are hungry or thirsty in the middle of the street. But have you ever thought about how they work or how they came to be? If you haven't thought about it, but you're curious, check out some answers and information about this modern phenomenon here.

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How did vending machines come about?

Not everyone knows, but the vending machines that dominated the world are a Japanese invention. In this case, the initial objective was always commercial, with the offer of fast consumption products like snacks. Thus, the first ones appeared in Japan, in the 1950s, and mainly containing sweets inside.

Photo: Pixabay.

However, in the 1970s it was also possible to find drinks, both hot and cold, also for sale. Over time, more and more options have emerged, as a challenge to get toys, but overall, the big emphasis is still on snacks. According to scholars, the practicality of accessing these foods is what most attracts consumers. After all, the machine is an excellent option in the absence of a fast-access snack bar, for example.

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Security for Entrepreneurs

Over time, several entrepreneurs from different countries began to bet on Japanese vending machines. Thus, they reached virtually the entire globalized world and became a symbol of modernity. One factor that helps a lot to increase the interest of new entrepreneurs is the security factor. This is because the machine provides an income that does not require a street vendor and is also unlikely to be robbed.

Photo: canvas.

It is noteworthy that the material of the machines is usually resistant and the preference for credit card machines helps to not attract thieves who want physical money.

How to have a Japanese machine?

To start a business in this field, it is necessary, initially, to buy one of the machines that have prices that vary between R$ 5 thousand and R$ 50 thousand.

Then, it will be necessary to find the perfect place for sales. Some of the most common options are private universities and shopping centers. Generally, these spaces charge rent for the permanence of the machine, and the return on investment can come in up to six months.

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