Due to poor performance, ANS suspends the sale of 31 health plans

ANS decided to stop marketing operations of several health plans, due to their poor performance. The novelty affects a total of 31 of these products, which are currently managed by nine different providers.

Operators were considered unfit to offer the health insurance, given the problem in relation to its performance. Thus, taking into account the disapproval of customers for these services, they are being moved to the list of plans with suspended marketing.

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The complete list containing all operators and plans was released this Monday (19th) and can be easily consulted at ANS website. There it is possible to see a relationship with the inserted health plans and those that were already included and are still suspended due to poor performance in the services.

Find out more details about suspended health plans

After a total of more than 46,000 negative reviews by customers and health plan adherents in the first quarter of 2023, it was decided, together with the results of the Service Guarantee Monitoring, the suspension of these 31 in particular, due to the bad performance.

In this way, customers who are already subscribers maintain access to the benefits contracted through their specific subscriptions. However, the nine providers are expressly prohibited from selling and hiring these services on the list.

Therefore, these services, which today account for more than 407,000 users, must show improvements in their programs and user assessment to offer health plans again.

When does suspension for poor performance start?

As disclosed by the regulatory agency, the sales block should start around June 23 and cannot be extended.

Therefore, companies need to present better results and customer evaluations on the services provided in the coming quarters. With the confirmation that the health plans have improved their results, they should leave the suspension list for poor performance.

However, even with the entry of these new members on the suspended list, another 15 suspended had their marketing licenses granted again.

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