Five-day getaway: Young woman escapes arranged marriage to her father's nephew

A young Pakistani woman was being forced to marry her cousin and decided to flee to the Raval Pakistani Women's Association headquarters in Barcelona, ​​Spain. There, she was welcomed and was hidden for about five days.

After receiving the woman who still feared for her life, the association called the police, who managed to arrest the young woman's father. The president and founder of the place, Huma Jamshed, told local newspapers how the young woman was hidden for several days.

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The case occurred when the father decided to perform an arranged marriage with his daughter's cousin. The man's main motivation was to marry in order to obtain a visa for the family member, as the young woman was already legally living in Spain.

Thus, by means of threats and physical violence, the father forced his daughter to sign a document and started the marriage procedures with the father's nephew who still resided in Pakistan.

To the Postal news portal, Huma reported that the young woman was afraid of reprisals and, therefore, protection was necessary. Since 2005, the president of the association has been fighting for women's rights Pakistani women in Barcelona and she did not hesitate to provide the young woman with shelter.

Another fact that shocked people was that, in 2021, the father had already performed the forced marriage of another daughter. In addition, the victim herself went through other situations of attempts at forced marriage and aggression. However, the wedding did not take place due to the injuries suffered.

According to news portals in Spain and Portugal, the man was accused of the crimes of human trafficking, collaboration with illegal immigration and forgery of documents.

The young woman's father underwent a custody hearing and was then released to answer for the crimes in freedom, so far. In addition, a restraining order has been issued that prevents him from getting close to his daughters and his wife.

Finally, the young woman is safe and far from her father's plans. However, his case represents many other sufferings experienced by women around the world.

For many centuries, arranged marriage was a practice done for financial reasons, status or other benefits for families. This ancient tradition even today affects the fate of countless women who are made invisible and without the right to choose.

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