Federal Government provides tool for school diagnosis

The analysis of the Interactive PDDE is a mechanism developed by the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education, to support school management and planning. The tool was created for the PDE Escola project, however, since 2016, it has not been available. The diagnosis is a chance for the institution to delimit its needs and, with that, draw up more assertive plans with their respective realities.

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The role of the platform in school management and planning

The Interactive PDDE brings school data made available by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) that act as a basis for the manager, after carrying out an operational analysis, to respond to a series of questions.

After that, the manager will be able to have a more detailed view of the educational results, available resources and also the problems to be solved. In addition, it will be possible to prioritize some demands and outline strategies that can efficiently meet the real needs of the school.

“In practice, the tool is an essential instrument for decision-making, with a view to the continuous improvement of the pedagogical process. In addition, completing the diagnosis is essential for transfers to be made in 2022”, says the Director of Coordination and Support for Education Networks, Ana Caroline Santos Calazans Vilasboas. In addition, carrying out the diagnosis is important so that there is a correct count of transfers in 2022 in the area of ​​education.

More about the Interactive PDDE and its attributions

This tool is a virtual device to support school planning and management, maintained by the Federal Government through the Basic Education Secretariat (SEB) of the Ministry of Education (MEC). Its objective is to offer all state, district and municipal public schools a form of strategic planning in which comprises a diagnosis of the school's current case and a plan of actions aimed at solving the main problems identified in the institution.

Click here and learn more about the tool.

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