Generation Z: Know its main characteristics and its impacts

Unlike their parents and grandparents, they were born in a completely technological and connected world. Generation Z encompasses those born after 1995, and precisely because of this they have not known the world without the internet. They are called “digital natives”.

In an interview with Jornal da Globo, in November 2010, the educator and philosopher, Mário Sérgio Cortella clarifies that “this current generation does not understand itself without digitalizing the world and life relationships. She doesn't understand herself and doesn't understand life outside of that”.

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They are confident, dynamic, demanding, don't like to be contradicted, realistic, and some say they are a little anxious. The feeling is that sometimes time passes differently for them than for the rest of the world, precisely because everything is online, in the virtual dimension.

It is very common to see these young people watching TV, using the computer and cell phone, all at the same time, without difficulties. to maintain attention on all vehicles simultaneously, an impressive ability to live multiple realities.

Job market for generation Z

They are starting to enter universities and, consequently, the job market. Along with this, many things are changing, such as the way of consumption and the way of communicating.

Like past generations, baby boomers, X and Y, they bring with them a series of postures, behaviors and expectations in relation to the labor market, especially with regard to the question entrepreneurship.

It is unlikely that they will spend their whole lives working for a single company, as was the goal of their parents and grandparents. Having gone through the 2008 global economic crisis, they tend to be less confident that a company can guarantee financial stability.

Thus, for them, in some cases, seeing meaning in the work they are doing is more important than the money itself. This justifies the entrepreneurial trend and the startup boom.

There are many possibilities that Generation X will change people's relationship with work, especially when it comes to flexibility. Not only in schedules, but also in participation and decisions.

Ethics and social responsibility, in the same way, are values ​​that are extremely observed and demanded, mainly in relation to the posture of companies.

Generation Z is preceded by a few others. Learn a little about each one of them and how they contributed to the formation of the young people in this group.

baby boomers

Translating into Portuguese, baby boom. They are people who were born between the years 1940 and 1960, that is, shortly after the end of Second World War. The fighters returned to their homes, and because of this, there was a population explosion, hence the name.

They were young people between the 60s and 70s and followed a lot of important information that the world went through. Having a stable career without too many curves is what they all wanted. Therefore, recognition based on experience was important.

Generation X

Born between the 1960s and 1980s, they are therefore the children of the baby boomers. One of the main characteristics found in Generation X youth is the break with previous generations. Much of this is due to the fact that they were raised by more conservative parents.

Other attributes are the search for freedom and their rights. They witnessed the birth of the computer, cell phone, internet and many others. They placed great value on work and the consequent financial stability

Y generation

Millennials are people born between the 1980s and mid-1990s, more or less. Therefore, they are also called Millennials. They saw technology evolve and were part of a prosperous period, economically speaking.

For them, work is synonymous with personal fulfillment. Precisely for this reason, they try to establish a certain balance between professional and personal life. However, they like challenges and have high self-esteem.

They are multitaskers and because they have grown along with technological facilities, sometimes they can be considered short-sighted.

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