Enem 2022 newsroom has an extremely contemporary theme

The National High School Examination (Enem) is a gateway for young people taking entrance exams to have the opportunity to enter the universities they want. Thus, the exam is applied in two phases and takes place every year.

Last Sunday (13) the first phase was held, where candidates, in addition to taking the objective test, needed to develop a essay whose theme was “Challenges for the valorization of communities and traditional peoples in Brazil”, which is considered by many to be an eternally contemporary subject. Check now everything about the topic of writing the Enem 2022.

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A very contemporary theme

As every year, the National High School Examination brings with it socially strong and extremely contemporary themes. In view of this issue, the theme of the 2022 edition would not be different, dealing with traditional peoples and communities in Brazil.

The theme chosen for this year is, in addition to being interesting, a very current and important issue for the whole context of the country, in addition to allowing a deep reflection on cultural issues and social. Thinking about the reality of such peoples and communities, which are minorities, it is of the utmost importance that both young people how much the elders know how to give due value to that part of the population that practically supported the history of the Brazil.

If we take into account that the traditional peoples and communities in Brazil are indigenous, quilombola, riverside, caiçara and many others, it is It is possible to say that the problems that this part of the population faces are not new, but a whole history that extends to the present day. current. That is why the impact generated by the writing theme was so great, due to the fact that it is not an old or current theme, but a contemporary one, which occurs since the beginning of the country's history.

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