01). Positioning for lumbar relaxation:
- Lying on your back on the mattress, knees bent and feet supported, with arms stretched out at your sides.
- Lying on your back on the mattress, hips and knees at 90 degrees on a support.
02). Sleep Positioning:
- Lying on your side, use a pillow at shoulder height, under your head and one between your knees, half bent.
03). Directions for getting out of bed:
- Turn on your side, put your legs out of the bed, support your legs, contract your belly and raise the trunk, support your feet if you do not reach the ground, you should use a stool or stepladder to descend from the bed.
04). Guidance for making the bed:
- Depending on the height of the bed, bend your legs or get on your knees so as not to overload your spine. Try to adapt to the type of bed.
05). Orientation for sitting down and getting up from a chair:
- The chair must be high back and firm. When sitting, keep your spine straight and your buttocks about 4 fingers from the back, knees bent 90 degrees, feet flat on the floor or on a stool (if possible, do not cross your legs). Arms resting on thighs or on the arms of the chair. Keep your head upright, following the body.
- To get up, place one foot in front of you and the other next to the chair; slightly lean your torso forward, contracting your abdomen; place your hands firmly on your thighs, lift your hips, straighten your knees, and stand up.
- To sit down, keep one foot in front of the other, rest your hands on your thighs, slightly inclining the trunk, contract your abdomen and slide your hands on your thighs, lowering your hips and bending your knees until sit down.
06). Positioning when driving:
- Avoid driving bent over, with your chest too close to the steering wheel, as this posture will strain your back and neck muscles. The ideal position for driving is to rest your back fully on the backrest of the car seat, with the seat tilted slightly backwards. The head should remain erect, arms slightly bent and muscles relaxed.
07). How to get into the car:
- With your back to the door, bend your legs, resting your hands on the door or on your thighs, sit down and put your legs inside the car, rotating your whole body.
08). How to get out of the car:
- Rotate the whole body, turning the legs out of the vehicle, supporting them on the ground; rest your hands on your thighs or on the door, stand up and extend your spine, placing the weight of the body on your legs.
09). How to load an object:
- Hold the object close to the center of your body with both hands. Keep the spine erect, abdomen and buttocks contracted. In case of bags, purses, etc, try to distribute the weight in two, using one on each side.
10). How to push an object:
- One paddle in front of the other, arms and hands well supported on the object, torso semi-flexed, abdomen and buttocks contracted, feet apart from the object and wearing non-slip shoes. Try to breathe out while performing the movement.
11). How to pull objects:
- One foot in front of the other, elbows half bent and hands holding the object firmly. Abdomen and buttocks contracted. Try to inspire while performing the movement.
12). How to pick up an object from above:
- Try to get as close as possible to the object (stairs, bench, etc.). ); contract the abdomen and buttocks, hold the object firmly and bring it close to the body. Never stand on tiptoe.
13). How to pick up an object on the ground:
- Keep your feet slightly apart, one in front of the other, bend your knees and slightly bend the throne. Bring the object close to the body, contracting the abdomen and buttocks, lifting the object. Use all the strength in your legs until you are standing. Try to breathe out whenever you push.
Long standing position:
- Keep the abdomen and buttocks contracted, support the foot on a higher plane (stools, steps, stools, books, etc.). ); and the other fully supported on the floor. Do not let the hips bend sideways and alternate the position of the feet.
15). Long sitting position:
- In activities such as studying, typing, typing, watching television, etc; keep your spine erect, with your back on the chair, your feet flat on the floor. In the case of using desks and tables, adapt them to the height of the elbows, or adapt the height of the chair to that of the table.
16). Position when walking:
- When walking for long periods of time, try to keep your spine erect and your abdomen and buttocks contracted. Wear suitable clothes and shoes (anti-impact), trying to breathe correctly (inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth).
17). Position to sweep:
- When sweeping, the broom handle should be adapted to a height that allows the individual to perform the task with their body as erect as possible, always trying to keep the abdomen and buttocks contracted. When sweeping under furniture, keep your spine erect, bend your knees, or kneel down.
Diseases and Health - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/orientacao-de-postura.htm