Experts issue warning about artificial intelligence; 'risk to humanity'

With warnings of risks to humanity, a group of more than a thousand technology experts were against the advancement of the security system. artificial intelligence. A six-month break was indicated in the powerful technological systems considered to be a major threat to the future of humans.

After the emergence of ChatGPT, launched in the last months of 2022, big companies have shown themselves to be in a race against time to secure other artificial intelligences as powerful as the creation of OpenAI. In the open letter, signed by big names, they claimed that the race for technological advancement is “out of control and security”.

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Pause of research on artificial intelligence was requested

The request was made to establish between the companies a break of at least six months in the development of systems superior to GPT-4. It is worth mentioning that GPT-4 was a recently released version of ChatGPT and is the most powerful system in the world in operation.

If the pause is not respected, as stated in the continuation of the text, governments need to intervene and suspend the service that is being done. The letter was issued by the Future of Life institute and features the signature of Elon Musk, billionaire and big name in technology.

Elon Musk was one of the founders of OpenAI, which today is the company for ChatGPT. He resigned from his share of the company in 2018, in addition to triggering a lot of criticism of the company's management after his departure.

The institute that published the letter stated that one of the greatest damages to humanity would be the replacement of human work by automation jobs. Recently, on the same subject, the investment bank Goldman Sachs published a report that addressed the replacement of human jobs.

In the report, they estimated that 300 million human jobs would be lost. Other experts, at least for now, are not trying to estimate what technology in the job market could do.

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