Lifestyle can affect the cognitive side of your brain

A study published in JAMA Neurology says that 1 in 10 elderly Americans have dementias. In addition, 22% of those aged 65 already have mild cognitive problems. However, some habits can help prevent or delay dementia. See below for more search results and check out tips on what to do to encourage your brain.

It is important to maintain healthy lifestyle habits to slow the cognitive decline of the brain

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Well, first we have to understand and accept that cognitive decline is normal as we get older. However, when it starts to affect the quality of daily life, it is necessary to carry out a more detailed diagnosis.

It is worth mentioning that one should always consider whether there is a family history of early dementia, but scientists have found that some habits can also contribute to these cases.

Below, we list some practices to avoid cognitive problems:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • Do not smoke;
  • Stay socially engaged;
  • Do physical activities on a regular basis;
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods.

A study was then conducted that reported that several factors account for 38% of the variation in cognitive function at age 54.

What was the finding of this study?

The study was directly related to cognition, which includes health biometrics and details about style. of the participants' lives, such as physical exercise, smoking, medical diagnoses and factors socioeconomic.

They found that early life conditions and adult behaviors accounted for about 5.6% of importance. However, what contributed to the 38% risk level was a combination of socioeconomic status, race, and mental health.


This study therefore concluded that several factors may contribute to cognitive decline or Alzheimer's disease. Namely: educational level, income, race, state of depression and healthy habits.

Considering that cognitive decline is generated by several factors, it is important to emphasize that well-being directly affects the health of the brain. Hence, it is important to view it through both individual and systemic lenses.

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