Say goodbye to the belly after 50 with these 4 recommended exercises

After the age of 50, the body undergoes many changes, starting with the body's tendency to lose muscle mass. In addition, localized fat seems to be even more difficult to get rid of, especially in the belly area, however, this is not an impossible task! For that, you can resort to these 4 exercises to lose belly after 50.

4 exercises to lose belly

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Being constant in physical exercises, as well as having a healthy eating and complete with lots of fruits, vegetables and proteins, it's the right way to lose belly fat. More precisely, it is necessary to know which exercises to resort to, giving preference to those that are more effective in burning localized fat.

Check out some exercises below:

bulgarian squat

Photo: Shutterstock.

A great exercise to lose belly fat is the Bulgarian squat. This consists of doing squats with dumbbells with one foot in front of the body and the other on a bench behind.

In addition to helping you lose your belly, this exercise helps to reduce lower back pain, as well as making your body more flexible.

side plank

Photo: Shutterstock.

Another good option is the side plank, where you need to lie on your right side, with your legs extended and stacked, with your right elbow just below your shoulder.

In this case, it is necessary to stay in the position for 30 to 60 seconds while contracting the belly. Also, this exercise will make you have better posture.

inclined bending

Photo: Shutterstock.

This exercise is a slightly different version of traditional push-ups, the big difference being that instead of having your hands on the floor, you'll have them on a surface. Soon, your body will be in an inclined position, with your hands in line with your shoulders.

To make the exercise more challenging, just lower the surface a little.

Traditional dumbbell squat

Photo: Shutterstock.

Finally, we have the traditional squat, where you hold a dumbbell while squatting with your feet shoulder-width apart.

A good tip for performing this exercise is to make sure your lower back is always flat as you do the squat movement. Certainly one of the best exercises to lose belly fat.

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