Vale-Gás has the last installment of 2022 for December and payment will continue in double

In recent months, families in situations of social vulnerability in Brazil have received a bimonthly installment related to the payment of Vale-Gás. It is a social program of the Federal Government, usually with a value corresponding to half of the canister. However, the share of December Gas Voucher will be folded.

Read more: Auxílio Brasil: Is it still possible to register and guarantee an installment of R$ 600?

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Who can receive the Gas Voucher?

It is not necessary to register anywhere to get the Vale-Gás. This is because the Federal Government uses CadÚnico records to map families who are in a situation of social vulnerability and who, therefore, already receive the Auxílio Brasil. In fact, the release of the Vale-Gás portion takes place simultaneously with the Auxílio Brasil.

However, it is worth remembering that the Government gives preference to families headed by women victims of domestic violence when distributing the benefit. Thus, not all families registered with CadÚnico are covered.

In addition, the value of the Aid refers to half the average value of the gas cylinder in Brazil, according to surveys by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). However, the last payment was double the amount, i.e. the full value of the cylinder. Thus, the expectation is that the payment scheduled for December will follow the same rule.

December gas voucher payment schedules

The payment of the Vale-Gás takes place simultaneously with the payment of the Auxílio Brasil, so they follow the same schedule. In this case, the installments are released according to the order of the final NIS number of each beneficiary. Therefore, in December the aid should come out on the following dates:

  • December 12 – NIS Final 1;
  • December 13 – Final NIS 2;
  • December 14 – Final NIS 3;
  • December 15 – Final NIS 4;
  • December 16 – Final NIS 5;
  • December 19 – Final NIS 6;
  • December 20 – Final NIS 7;
  • December 21 – NIS Final 8;
  • December 22 – NIS Final 9;
  • December 23 – Final NIS 0.

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