Luxembourg tops list of richest countries in the world; see the position of Brazil

How is a country considered 'rich' chosen? Well, there are many criteria that lead to this measurement, which sometimes generates a difference between one ranking and another. However, more and more efficient ways to arrive at a definitive list are emerging. For example, recently Global Finance pointed out the new ranking of the richest countries in the world. Learn more below!

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Luxembourg is the richest country in the world

In a new list by Global Finance, Luxembourg appears as the richest country in the world and ahead of many powers. This is explained by the fact that this list uses the GDP per capita measurement method, which basically means dividing all the production and income that the territory produces by the number of population.

Thus, some countries manage to have large productions and stand out in the total listing. However, when there is a division by all citizens, it is clear that the people of that place receive little money. Generally, this means that countries with larger populations will have much lower levels of wealth than those with smaller populations.

This estimation method certainly benefited Luxembourg, which is a small country in Europe, with an estimated population of less than 1 million inhabitants. According to the ranking, this country also offers good conditions to citizens in the sense of their basic rights.

What is Brazil's position in the ranking?

Unfortunately, Brazil does not have great advantages within a world scenario when it comes to wealth for the population. In the case of this Global Finance ranking, Brazil was much lower on the list, in 92nd place. In part, this position represents the inequalities that our country has.

Even so, Brazil still stands out when there is an accounting of the total number of production, which is the value of the total GDP. For example, in the World Monetary Fund's list of the largest economies in the world, our country stands out and is in 9th place, while the United States and China lead the ranking.

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