Natural aspects of Piauí

Piauí is one of the Federation's units located in the Northeast region. The State's territory covers an area of ​​251,576,644 km2, which includes specific features of relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.
The surface of the State is formed by a flat relief, only 18% of the territory has an altitude above 600 meters. Three relief units are identified: Coastal Lowlands, in the north of the territory; Plateau of Chapada and Serras, which have the highest points in the state (between 600 and 880 meters), found to the east, southwest and south; and the Parnaíba plain, a formation of lowlands located near the Parnaíba river that extends to the Baixa Litorânea.
In Piauí, two climatic characteristics are identified: tropical hot and humid, and semi-arid. The tropical climate is predominant in much of the state territory, temperatures in these areas fluctuate between 25° and 27°C per year. The north is wetter, and for this reason, rainfall levels are higher (700 mm to the south and 1,200 mm to the north). The semi-arid climate covers, mainly, the southwest of the state. Rainfall rates in these areas do not exceed 700 mm per year, in addition, rainfall is irregularly distributed in these regions, causing prolonged droughts. Temperatures in these areas range from 24° to 40°C.

Although drought is part of the reality of the State, it has different vegetation cover. They are: Caatinga, Cerrado, Forest and Cocais Forest.
This domain is identified mainly in the north and southwest of the state. The Cerrado has the following characteristics: gnarled trees, fields covered with grasses and shrubs.
Areas covered by Carnaúba, Babaçu and Buriti, plant species found in other biomes.
Cocais Forest
It corresponds to a transition area between the Amazon and Caatinga domains.
Piauí has ​​the Parnaíba river as its main river, in addition to its tributaries, such as the Uruçuí Preto and Gurguéia.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Piauí - Northeast region - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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