Common habits that can make you fat

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In the search for slimming, it is common for different strategies and diets to be tested to achieve good results. Unfortunately, in some cases, everyday customs can be essential to spoil some of these goals, but are unknown to most people. Were you curious to know which ones? meet common habits that can make you fat.

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First of all, for those who seek to avoid weight gain, it is important to consult a specialist, such as a nutritionist. After all, in these cases, these professionals will be essential to assess the specificities of each individual, being able to build effective diets and point out which habits may be harming you.

Consume some “healthy” foods

In times of industrialized foods, many of them are sold as “healthy”, especially when accompanied by the label “light” or “diet”. However, in most cases, they are just "crap" in disguise. Because of this, you need to be careful with many yogurts and cereals, for example, as they can be high in sugar.

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Sitting for long periods

For people who work in an office and spend all day sitting, this habit can contribute to putting on weight. Scientists point out that this slows down our metabolism, which impairs our ability to burn fat. Therefore, it is essential to perform physical activities and take short breaks during the day to move the body.

skip meals

Do you know why bodybuilders and professionals eat several meals during the day? In addition to hitting your macro and micronutrient goals, this habit is essential to keep our metabolism accelerated. After all, when realizing that we are skipping some meals, our body can start to store some fats, as it identifies that we are not nourished enough.

Sleep badly

For those looking to burn fat, good nights sleep are almost as important as diet and physical activity. That's because this habit is essential for cell regeneration and various psychological processes that help keep our body healthy. Thus, having 8 hours of sleep daily is essential to not get fat.

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