Inhuman is an adjective that means cruel, perverse or inhuman. It is the opposite of the meaning used for human in the sense of generous or charitable.
Inhumanity is pointed out as a characteristic of people who are insensitive to the needs of others and who have aggressive behavior, selfish thoughts and cruel attitudes.
They are synonymous with inhumane: cruel, barbaric, perverse, brutal, executioner, evil, insensitive, rude and impious.
They can be antonyms of the word: generous, sensitive, good, compassionate, charitable, kind, pious and human.
The word inhumane is translated into the English language as inhuman.
Learn more about the meaning of wicked and Human.
The word inhuman can be used to demonstrate situations of cruelty, bad conditions or barbarism. Examples: inhuman act, inhuman work.
See also the meaning of Barbarism.
The word inhuman is part of a well-known expression in Law. The reference is part of the Federal Constitution of 1988, in the chapter that deals with individual and collective rights and duties.
Item III of art. 5th established:
III - no one will be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment;
The use of the expression in this article means that no Brazilian citizen can be victim of any attitude or treatment that attacks their fundamental rights or that is violent or cruel.
Inhuman or inhuman?
Some people are confused about the correct way to spell the word. This happens because the word human is written with the letter "h".
According to the spelling norm, when the prefix "des" is combined with the word "human" the letter "h" must be suppressed. The prefix "des" turns the word into its opposite sense.
Therefore, the correct spelling of the word is inhumane.