Check out what foods to avoid during menopause

Menopause is a period that usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. However, this is not a rule and it can happen earlier, or even later. It marks the end of the reproductive phase of a woman's life and is therefore very important and must be observed by doctors. In addition, some characteristic symptoms also occur at this stage. To provide a smooth transition for your body during this period, it is important to maintain a balanced diet. To know what foods to avoid during menopause, check out the full article!

Read more: Premature menopause: know the symptoms and possible causes.

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The importance of following a balanced diet in menopause

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for life. However, especially for women, during this phase, keeping your diet balanced can contribute to your symptoms being increasingly mild.

This is because there are some foods that are considered inflammatory. These can contribute even more to intensify the unpleasant symptoms in this period.

What is menopause?

As said earlier, menopause is the name given to the last menstruation. It means that her stock of eggs has run out, thus marking the end of this woman's reproductive life.

Menopause is usually accompanied by many symptoms, such as, for example, severe and prolonged PMS, as well as feeling bloated all over the body, frequent mood swings, as well as being very hot also. The biggest consequence of this phase is the loss of ability to produce an important female hormone: estrogen.

What food is important to maintain at this stage?

It is important for women who have reached this stage to include foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and especially lean proteins in their diet. In addition, it is essential to avoid foods with a lot of sugar and fat, as these are considered inflammatory for the body, and may consequently increase the already recurring symptoms.

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