Three ways to damage your ears by using the wrong cotton swab

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The use of cotton swabs has become a practice of hygiene that many people have, either after a shower or when their ears are itchy. Although almost every family uses these flexible sticks to clean the ear canal, they can cause damage to the health if not used correctly. So, now check out three ways to damage your ears using the wrong swab.

Read more: See the best way to clean your ears

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3 common problems caused by the misuse of the cotton swab

  • Wax plugging the channel

A major issue with the use of cotton swabs is the formation of waxes plugging the canal. The cerumen ends up not being removed in the end, but is pushed into the ear, creating a buildup or even a blockage. Wax plugs can cause an echo sensation and even a hearing impairment.

  • Itching

The purpose of ear wax is for it to work as a protective layer in the ear, so removing it can lead to great dryness of the skin and thus an itch.

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  • infections

The continuous use of flexible cotton swabs can lead to infections and inflammations, such as otitis, due to the formation of a wax plug or excessive cleaning of the ear, which is quite common. When wax is removed, the ear canal is unprotected, as it acts as a protective barrier to external agents.

The perfect ear cleaner

  • towel or cotton

The most recommended method is to remove the wax build-up with a cotton pad or towel, with the help of your fingers. In addition, it is important to remember that this cleaning can only be done on the outside of the ear.

  • Cleaning with a professional

A specialist (otolaryngologist) performs optimal cleaning of the ear canal in an office setting. Ear washes performed by these professionals are designed to remove only excess earwax, often caused by earplugs or overproduction.

  • cleaning solutions

There are some specific solutions for cleaning the ears that are suitable and can be obtained in the market and pharmacy. You don't need a prescription to buy them, but you should remember that they are medicines that must be used with care.

  • Daily cleaning is unnecessary!

In fact, ideally, the ears should not be cleaned. Contrary to popular belief, wax is not dirt, but a mechanism the body uses to disinfect the entire ear. It is precisely because the wax is oily that it will retain dirt and act as a barrier to entry.

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