6 behaviors that can lead you to PRISON in Brazil

There are some actions – gestures or jokes – that end up being interpreted in a different way than the person wanted to convey. Therefore, some postures may end up leading the offender to pay a fine without even knowing that what he was doing was prohibited by law. Therefore, in today's article, we will provide a list of 6 behaviors that are prohibited by law in Brazil.

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List of 6 behaviors that can lead you to prison in Brazil

It is important that you are aware of what these behaviors are, since they are actions that you may have no idea that could bring you complications in the future. Now check out the list of these 6 behaviors that are prohibited:

1. Pedestrians wet on the sidewalk

According to article 171 of the Brazilian Traffic Code, the act of wetting pedestrians is an infraction that results in 4 points on the National Driver's License and can lead to a fine of R$ 130.16.

2. cross out of range

In order to preserve the life and safety of citizens, article 254 of the Brazilian Traffic Code prohibits citizens from crossing outside the lane. For such an infraction, if no accident has occurred, the penalty per pedestrian is equivalent to R$ 26.10.

3. Pedaling on the sidewalk

Riding on the sidewalk outside the cyclist lane is prohibited, since, in addition to disturbing the flow, it increases the risk of being run over. For such infraction, a fine of R$130 is imposed.

4. Fill the car alone

Such a practice is illegal and may result in sanctions under Law 9956.

5. hookah smoking

The use and sale, import and distribution of alternative cigarettes is prohibited by law.

6. Offer only sweetened coffee

Valid only in the state of São Paulo, establishments cannot offer only sweetened coffee. As such, they are required by law to offer both sugar-free and sugar-sweetened versions. This is a very little known law, but it usually doesn't have many consequences.

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