Home office: Check out the changes in the law for remote work

Recently, the Federal Government released two provisional measures that promote changes in the regulation of telework, better known as home office. Thus, it is possible to observe some rules that were added, as well as the change of others in this modality. Learn about the changes in labor laws for teleworking.

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Changes planned for those who work from home office

The home office work model has been increasingly promoted in the labor market, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, due to its high adaptability, many nuances that are specific to this modality could not yet be found in conventional labor laws.

In this sense, the federal government issued a provisional measure, in order to bring more regularity to the telework model. See below some changes to this measure.

1. Hiring by production

One of the possible changes to be seen in this provisional measure is the inclusion of the contracting system in the production regime. In this sense, there is no fixed control over the working hours, as in face-to-face work, where the employee needs to arrive and leave at a certain time.

Therefore, the worker will be able to decide the best time to carry out the work tasks, as long as it is within the deadlines for delivering the demands.

2. Outside the region where the business is located

In the case of home office employees residing in other states of Brazil other than where the company is located, it is still must follow the rules of conventions, collective agreements and legislation regarding the territory of the company's establishment, as provided for in MP. In addition, in the case of those who are not in Brazil, according to the measure, they are still subject to Brazilian legislation.

3. home office equipment

If the employee received equipment from the company during the home office period, such as software, computers and other tools digital devices, the time they are used outside working hours cannot be configured as on-call time or readiness to work.

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