Strawberry and banana meringue: check out how to make it


These two meringue recipes are those that everyone asks to repeat. See how to prepare!

Per Texty agency
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This is probably the tastiest recipe you'll ever learn to make. It's very simple and will leave your guests delighted and eager to eat more. We are talking about the meringue. It's usually made with egg whites and sugar, but don't think that putting everything in the mixer means it's ready. There are a variety of techniques for making this cream, which can be used as a base for a variety of desserts.

Check now two banana and strawberry meringue recipes.

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Strawberry Pastry


  • 400g of strawberries;
  • 500g whipped cream;
  • 250 g of sighs;
  • Sugar to taste.

Method of preparation

  1. First, clean the strawberries very well and set aside an amount for decoration;
  2. Then, cut the strawberries (for the meringue), place them in a sieve and throw some sugar over them (wait about 15 minutes for the excess water in the fruit to come out);
  3. Separate some meringues for decoration and the rest break into small pieces;
  4. Take the whipped cream and beat it together with the desired amount of sugar (put it in gradually and try it);
  5. Then, take a glass platter and make layers alternating between whipped cream, chopped strawberries and meringue;
  6. To finish, put a layer of whipped cream and decorate with the sighs and strawberries that had been reserved for this;
  7. Finally, put it in the fridge until it gets cold and it's ready to serve!

Banana meringue


  • 6 bananas;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 and a half cups of milk;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 and a half cup of sugar;
  • 2 spoons of cornstarch.

Method of preparation

  1. Take a pan and put half a cup of sugar, water and bananas cut into slices;
  2. Let it boil for 3 minutes until caramelized and separate;
  3. Then, take a blender and put the milk, the 2 spoons of cornstarch, half a cup of sugar, the 3 egg yolks (reserve the whites) and beat until smooth;
  4. Then, take this mixture to the low fire and don't stop stirring until it thickens;
  5. Take the 3 egg whites that you separated and beat until stiff peaks form. Gradually add half a cup of sugar and continue beating until it is very consistent;
  6. Finally, pour the cream into a glass dish, cover with the banana jam, place the meringue on top, spreading it out gently, and bake just until golden;
  7. Finally, serve ice cream!
tipsbanana meringueStrawberry PastryRevenues
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