How to ensure that your kitten lives with quality

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Unfortunately, many people still believe that cats can live without supervision or care from an owner. However, this is not true, and they need care and attention during all stages of life.

To help you raise cats, we've prepared this article with the main tips and signs on how to assess your pet's quality of life.

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Repeatedly scratching furniture

Everyone knows that scratching furniture is a natural feline behavior. However, when this happens repeatedly or frantically, it could be a sign of:

  • Stress;
  • Boredom.

To improve this aspect, a good idea is to play more and make feeding more interesting.

Meows all the time

Have you noticed that your cat is meowing excessively? Some pets even choose a time of day for this, usually in the late afternoon and early morning. This behavior can be understood as boredom, a need for attention due to need or pain.

In case of need, the best thing to do is to ensure that the cat is not alone, either with another kitten or with a companion.

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Eat a lot

Most cats don't usually eat in large quantities. So, if your animal often returns to the food bowl in search of more food, it's good to keep an eye out.

This can be a sign for two very different situations:

  • Boredom;
  • Lack of nutrients in food.

Increasing the amount of play and the quality of food quickly solves this problem.

discouragement and sleep

In fact, felines spend several hours a day sleeping or napping. However, when that time exceeds 15 hours, it may not be a good sign.

To increase the happiness of the pets, explore the hunting side of the cats with snacks around the house and objects where they can hide.

With a few measures, you can make your pet's life much happier!

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